Source code for plaza_preprocessing.configuration

import os
import ruamel.yaml
import logging
import jsonschema

logger = logging.getLogger('plaza_preprocessing.config')

  plaza: # what counts as a plaza
#     tag-keys: # tag keys only
#       - 
      tag-key-values: # tags with specific values
        - or:
          - highway: pedestrian
        - or:
          - highway: footway
          - area: yes
    excludes: # no tags should match
#     tag-keys:
#       - <key>
        - or:
          - area: no
  barrier: # what OSM "way" constitutes a barrier
        - or:
          - barrier: wall
        - or:
          - barrier: fence
        - or:
          - barrier: hedge
        - or:
          - barrier: retaining_wall
        - amenity
        - or:
          - barrier: block
        - indoor

footway-tags: # tags that will be used for the newly generated ways
  - highway: footway

graph-strategy: visibility # one of visibility, spiderweb
spiderweb-grid-size: 2 # grid size in meters, if spiderweb is used
obstacle-buffer: 2 # minimal distance from any obstacles in meters

shortest-path-algorithm: astar # one of astar, dijkstra

entry-point-lookup-buffer: 0.05 # tolerance in meters, will be used to detect slightly offset entry points

    'title': 'plaza_preprocessing configuration Schema',
    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
       'tag-filter': {
           'type': 'object',
           'properties':  {
               'plaza': {
                   'type': 'object',
                   '$ref': '#/definitions/tag-filter'
               'barrier': {
                   'type': 'object',
                   '$ref': '#/definitions/tag-filter'
               'point_obstacle': {
                   'type': 'object',
                   '$ref': '#/definitions/tag-filter'
           'additionalProperties': False,
           'required': ['plaza', 'barrier', 'point_obstacle']
       'footway-tags': {
            'type': 'array',
            'items': {
                'type': 'object',
                'additionalProperties': {'type': 'string'}
       'graph-strategy': {
           'type': 'string',
           'enum': ['visibility', 'spiderweb']
       'spiderweb-grid-size': {
           'type': 'number'
       'obstacle-buffer': {
           'type': 'number'
       'shortest-path-algorithm': {
           'type': 'string',
           'enum': ['astar', 'dijkstra']
       'entry-point-lookup-buffer': {
           'type': 'number',
    'additionalProperties': False,
    'required': ['tag-filter', 'footway-tags', 'graph-strategy', 'spiderweb-grid-size',
                 'obstacle-buffer', 'shortest-path-algorithm', 'entry-point-lookup-buffer'],
    'definitions': {
        'tag-filter': {
            'properties': {
                'includes': {
                    'type': 'object',
                    '$ref': '#/definitions/tag-listing'
                'excludes': {
                    'type': 'object',
                    '$ref': '#/definitions/tag-listing'
            'required': ['includes'],
            'additionalProperties': False,
        'tag-listing': {
            'properties': {
                'tag-keys': {
                    'type': 'array',
                    'items': {'type': 'string'}
                'tag-key-values': {
                    'type': 'array',
                    'items': {
                        'type': 'object',
                        'properties': {
                            'or': {
                                'type': 'array',
                                'items': {
                                    'type': 'object',
                                    'additionalProperties': {'type': 'string'}


[docs]def load_config(config_path: str) -> dict: """ Loads the configuration and creates the default configuration if it does not yet exist. """ # create default config if it does not yet exist if not os.path.exists(config_path): create_default_config(config_path) with open(config_path, 'r') as f: config = ruamel.yaml.load(f, ruamel.yaml.RoundTripLoader) jsonschema.validate(config, SCHEMA) return config
[docs]def create_default_config(config_path: str): """ Creates the default configuration file. """"Creating default configuration at {config_path}") with open(config_path, 'w') as f: f.write(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
[docs]def filter_tags(tags: dict, tag_filter: dict) -> bool: """filter tags based on a tag filter""" including = False includes = tag_filter['includes'] if 'tag-keys' in includes: including = any(key in tags for key in includes['tag-keys']) if not including: if 'tag-key-values' in includes: including = _or_filter_matches(includes['tag-key-values'], tags) if not including: return False if 'excludes' in tag_filter: excludes = tag_filter['excludes'] if 'tag-keys' in excludes: if any(key in tags for key in excludes['tag-keys']): return False if 'tag-key-values' in excludes: if _or_filter_matches(excludes['tag-key-values'], tags): return False return True
def _or_filter_matches(or_filter, tags): return any( # or all( # and all(tags.get(tag_key) == tag_value for tag_key, tag_value in and_filter.items()) for and_filter in or_filter['or']) for or_filter in or_filter )