Source code for plaza_preprocessing.importer.importer
import logging
import osmium
from osmium._osmium import InvalidLocationError
import shapely.wkb as wkblib
from plaza_preprocessing.importer import osmholder
from plaza_preprocessing import configuration
logger = logging.getLogger('plaza_preprocessing.importer')
WKBFAB = osmium.geom.WKBFactory()
OSM_MAX_ID = 10**10
[docs]def import_osm(filename, tag_filters):
""" imports a OSM / PBF file and returns a holder with all plazas, buildings,
lines and points with shapely geometries """'importing {filename}')
handler = _PlazaHandler(tag_filters)
index_type = 'sparse_mem_array'
handler.apply_file(filename, locations=True, idx=index_type)
logger.debug(f'found {len(handler.plazas)} plazas')
logger.debug(f'found {len(handler.buildings)} buildings')
logger.debug(f'found {len(handler.lines)} lines')
logger.debug(f'found {len(handler.points)} points')
if handler.invalid_count > 0:
logger.warning(f'encountered {handler.invalid_count} invalid objects (may be because of boundaries)')
return osmholder.OSMHolder(handler.plazas, handler.buildings, handler.lines, handler.points)
class _PlazaHandler(osmium.SimpleHandler):
def __init__(self, tag_filters):
self.tag_filters = tag_filters
self.plazas = []
self.buildings = []
self.points = []
self.lines = []
self.invalid_count = 0
def node(self, node):
if self._is_relevant_node(node):
point_wkb = WKBFAB.create_point(node)
point_geometry = wkblib.loads(point_wkb, hex=True)
def way(self, way):
if self._is_relevant_way(way):
line_wkb = WKBFAB.create_linestring(way)
line_geometry = wkblib.loads(line_wkb, hex=True)
'geometry': line_geometry,
'tags': {t.k: t.v for t in way.tags}
except InvalidLocationError:
logger.debug(f'Encountered invalid location in way {}')
self.invalid_count += 1
except RuntimeError as ex:
logger.debug(f'Error importing way {}: {ex}')
self.invalid_count += 1
def area(self, area):
if self._is_plaza(area):
multipolygon_geom = self._create_multipolygon(area)
if multipolygon_geom:
for polygon in multipolygon_geom.geoms:
plaza = {
'osm_id': area.orig_id(),
'geometry': polygon
elif self._is_relevant_building(area):
geometry = self._create_multipolygon(area)
if geometry:
def _create_multipolygon(self, area):
building_wkb = WKBFAB.create_multipolygon(area)
return wkblib.loads(building_wkb, hex=True)
except InvalidLocationError:
logger.debug(f'Encountered invalid location in area {}')
self.invalid_count += 1
return None
except RuntimeError as ex:
logger.debug(f'Error importing way {}: {ex}')
self.invalid_count += 1
return None
def _is_relevant_node(self, node):
return node.tags.get("level", "0") == "0" and \
node.tags.get("layer", "0") == "0" and \
configuration.filter_tags(node.tags, self.tag_filters['point_obstacle'])
def _is_relevant_way(self, way):
return not way.is_closed() and \
"highway" in way.tags or \
way.tags.get("railway") == "tram" or \
configuration.filter_tags(way.tags, self.tag_filters['barrier'])
def _is_plaza(self, area):
return configuration.filter_tags(area.tags, self.tag_filters['plaza'])
def _is_relevant_building(self, area):
return "building" in area.tags \
and area.tags.get("layer", "0") == "0"
def _check_max_id(self, osm_id):
if osm_id >= OSM_MAX_ID:
logger.error(f"OSM id {osm_id} is larger than the allowed {OSM_MAX_ID}")