Source code for plaza_preprocessing.optimizer.utils
import logging
import time
from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, GeometryCollection
logger = logging.getLogger('plaza_preprocessing.optimizer')
[docs]def unpack_geometry_coordinates(geometry):
""" return a set with every point in LineString and Point geometries """
geom_type = type(geometry)
if geom_type == GeometryCollection:
coords = set()
for geom in geometry:
coords = coords.union(unpack_geometry_coordinates(geom))
return coords
elif geom_type == MultiLineString or geom_type == MultiPoint:
return set().union([c for element in geometry for c in element.coords])
elif geom_type == LineString or geom_type == Point:
return set(geometry.coords)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Geometry type {geom_type}")
[docs]def meters_to_degrees(meters):
""" convert meters to approximate degrees """
# meters * 360 / (2 * PI * 6400000)
# multiply by (1/cos(lat) for longitude)
return meters * 1 / 111701
[docs]def get_polygon_coords(polygon):
""" return a list of coordinates of all points in a polygon """
coords = list(polygon.exterior.coords)
for ring in polygon.interiors:
return coords
[docs]def find_nearest_geometry(obj, geometries):
""" return the geometry that is nearest to the object """
return min(geometries, key=lambda g: g.distance(obj))
[docs]def line_visible(plaza_geometry, line, delta_m):
""" check if the line is "visible", i.e. unobstructed through the plaza"""
intersection_line = plaza_geometry.intersection(line)
# a line is visible if the intersection has the same length as the line itself, within a given delta
delta = meters_to_degrees(delta_m)
return abs(line.length - intersection_line.length) <= delta
[docs]def timing(f):
""" decorator function to measure runtime of a function """
def wrap(*args):
time1 = time.time()
ret = f(*args)
time2 = time.time()
logger.debug('%s function took %0.3f ms' % (f.__name__, (time2-time1)*1000.0))
return ret
return wrap