Source code for plaza_routing.integration.search_ch_service
import logging
import requests
from plaza_routing import config
from plaza_routing.integration.util import search_ch_parser
from plaza_routing.integration.util.exception_util import ServiceError, ValidationError
logger = logging.getLogger('plaza_routing.search_ch_service')
[docs]def get_connection(start: str, destination: str, time: str, date='today') -> dict:
""" retrieves the connection for a given start, destination and time of departure"""
response = None
payload = {'from': start, 'to': destination, 'time': time, 'date': date, 'num': 1}
response = _query(payload)
connections = search_ch_parser.parse_connections(response)
first_connection = connections['connections'][0]
return first_connection
except Exception as exception:
_parse_exception(exception, response)
def _query(payload: dict) -> str:
req = requests.get(config.search_ch['search_ch_api'], params=payload)
return req.text
def _parse_exception(exception: Exception, response: str):
if response and "Start- und Zielort müssen sich unterscheiden" in response:
raise ValidationError('start and destination should differ') from None
if isinstance(exception, RuntimeError):
raise exception
msg = f' is not running correctly: {exception}'
raise ServiceError(msg) from None